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Desert Gravel Sun

Before the arrival of European-Americans, this was Ute Country. Their name translates to “land of the sun,” and they believe the sun is a source of good health, prosperity, and harbinger of a successful harvest. Sun Dances provided the opportunity for the community to find their spiritual power.
This gravel ride draws inspiration from the sun and the surrounding Book Cliffs landscape. Each pedal stroke is like a dance under the sun that improves stamina, physical conditioning, and encourages cyclists to become part of the growing gravel community of the Grand Valley. The landscape is filled with canyons, gulches, and other natural features. Explore the area at the top of 18 Road where the Fruita MTB boom first took shape in the early 2000s. We have simplified the maze of trails that you will see and keep you on the gravel road.

Route Stats: 

Starting point: Fruita, CO | Distance: 60 miles | Elevation: +2,774 ft | Level: Intermediate | 51/49 Unpaved/Paved

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