Grand Valley Traverse - North

The route goes from Fruita to Palisade, north of I-70, under the shadows of the Book Cliffs. Expect to share the road/trail because the ride travels through the Grand Valley OHV Recreation Area. A short out-and-back segment takes you to the ghost town of Carpenter below the Book Cliffs Mine. The town officially changed to Poland Springs (1892-1897) in hopes of creating a tourist destination that rivaled Glenwood Springs. There was a natural spring further above in the canyon. Remnants of an elaborate piping system, like anchored chains and sandstone carved steps are what remain. Afterwards you’ll traverse behind Walker Airport and drop into Fruitvale before hitting the last segment of unpaved. Mount Garfield frames your view the entire day.

Route Stats: 

Starting point: Fruita, CO | Distance: 52 miles | Elevation: 2,876 ft | Level: Intermediate | 55/45 Unpaved/Paved

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