Mesa Farm & Ranch

Beginning in the town of Mesa, this route offers a nice mix of asphalt and gravel through farm and ranch country. Like most of the county, fruit orchards dominate the landscape. Riding through “The Meadows,” one can’t help but feel the area remains relatively unchanged over the last 125+ years. An off-road segment features Vega State Park, east of Collbran. The high mountain lake is man-made. However, 200 million years ago it was a swampy inland sea where large sea turtles and crocodiles lived. Circumnavigating the lake you’ll be treated to a fun combination of trail and dirt road before rolling through Collbran on the way back to Mesa.

Route Stats: 

Starting point: Mesa, CO | Distance: 64 miles | Elevation: 5,780 ft | Level: Intermediate | 34/66 Unpaved/Paved

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