Bachelor Loop

An iconic off-road route that begins and ends in the town of Creede. After climbing the steeper East Willow Creek portion, the hard effort pays off with a fun descent down the West Willow Creek. The original Creede townsite sat at the junction of the two creeks. It was named after Nicholas Creede, who discovered the lead, zinc, and silver deposits of Holy Moses Mine in 1889. This is a high elevation ride, rarely dipping below 10,000 ft, with a high point of 12,518 ft. It affords great views of the town and Rio Grande River Valley. It’s not out of the question to catch glimpses of wildlife, including mule deer and moose. If you’re not in a hurry, there are interpretive stops along the way to further learn about the area’s mining history.

Route Stats: 

Starting point: Creede, CO | Distance: 25 miles | Elevation: +4,549 ft | Level: Beginner | 94/6 Unpaved/Paved

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