Headless Mike

This route pays homage to Mike the Headless Chicken, a rooster who called Fruita home in the 1940s. He became famous after surviving 18 months without his head. The ride takes you into the prime gravel terrain of western Mesa County along the border of Colorado and Utah. Perfect for those
looking for an adventurous challenge, or seeking to train for the CO2UT event. The ride offers a nice balance between easy and difficult elevation changes with a mix of climbing, flats, and amazing views of the surrounding landscape. You travel on the Old U.S. Highway 50. It’s a historic road that served as a major route for travelers and commerce during the 20th century.

Route Stats: 

Starting point: Fruita, CO | Distance: 62 miles | Elevation: +2,441 ft | Level: Intermediate | 60/40 Unpaved/Paved

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