
Etched into the mountain above Palisade is a feature that inspired the legend of the Grand Mesa Thunderbird. The Ute’s believe Thunderbirds represent the forces of nature and elements. One day, a Thunderbird came down and took Ute children. A warrior ascended the mesa in search of the nest and discovered they’d been eaten. In revenge he threw the Thunderbird’s eggs over the Mesa’s edge into the Valley. What lies below now is a challenging off-road ride. Expect sections of rough technical gravel, including bike portage on the climb as after you leave 39 road. A 45+ tire size is
highly recommended. Once you crest the summit you will be rewarded with great views of the valley, and a long flowing downhill that will take you through a volcanic lava and cactus field, then by the orchards and vineyards along the Fruit and Vine Scenic Byway back to downtown Palisade.

Route Stats: 

Starting point: Palisade, CO | Distance: 24 miles | Elevation: 1,512 ft | Level: Intermediate | 66/34 Unpaved/Paved

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